The Fred Fenton Series
by Allen Chapman

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"A line of tales embracing school athletics. Fred is a true type of the American schoolboy of to-day."
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All the stories are in the public domain and some are available for free on Project Gutenberg and in low priced (often free for Kindle) reprint editions available from

Allen Chapman was a popular Syndicate house name, used on The Darewell Chums, Fred Fenton, Railroad Series, Radio Boys, Tom Fairfield, and other publications.

Publishers: 1913-1915 Cupples & Leon (1-5)

Illustrator: Walter S. Rogers (1-5)

Publishing Information
1) Cupples & Leon (1-5)
Cream colored cloth binding, black lettering; pictorial front in red & black showing standing boy on an athletic field. Spine has red shield.
Illustrations: (1-5) frontispiece on coated paper.
Dust Jacket: White coated paper, same picture as book cover. Same for all books.
2) Cupples & Leon (1-5)
Gray colored cloth binding, black lettering; pictorial front in red & black showing standing boy on an athletic field. Spine has red shield.
Illustrations: Same as 1.
Dust Jacket: Same as 1.
3) Cupples & Leon (1-5)
Same as 1 except light yellow binding.
Illustrations: Same as 1.
Dust Jacket: White coated paper, color picture of boy being carried teammate's shoulders. Lettering is dark blue or red-brown. Same for all books.
4) Cupples & Leon (1-5)
Same as 3 except all artwork & lettering in black only.
Illustrations: Same as 1.
Dust Jacket: Same as 3

Click on any cover to enlarge it.
01: Fred Fenton the Pitcher - 1913
or, The Rivals of Riverport School
"When Fred came to Riverport none of the school lads knew him, but he speedily proved his worth in the baseball box. A true picture of school baseball."

02: Fred Fenton in the Line - 1913
or, The Football Boys of Riverport School
"When Fall came in the thoughts of the boys turned to football. Fred went in the line, and again proved his worth, making a run that helped to win a great game."

03: Fred Fenton on the Crew - 1913
or, The Young Oarsmen of Riverport
"In this volume the scene is shifted to the river, and Fred and his chums show how they can handle the oars. There are many other adventures, all dear to the hearts of boys."

04: Fred Fenton on the Track - 1913
or, The Athletes of Riverport School
"Track athletics form a subject of vast interest to many boys, and here is a tale telling of great running races, high jumping, and the like. Fred again proves himself a hero in the best sense of that term."

05: Fred Fenton, Marathon Runner - 1915
or, The Great Race at Riverport School
"Fred is taking a post-graduate course at the school when the subject of Marathon running came up. A race is arranged, and Fred shows both his friends and his enemies what he can do. An athletic story of special merit."