The YMCA Boys Series
or, The Struggle for the Holwell Prize
"Telling how the boys of Cliffwood were a wild set and how, on Hallowe'en, they turned the home town topsy-turvy. This led to an organization of a boys' department in the local Y.M.C.A. When the lads realized what was being done for them, they joined in the movement with vigor and did all they could to help the good cause. To raise funds they gave a minstrel show and other entertainments, and a number of them did their best to win a gold medal offered by a local minister who was greatly interested in the work of up-building youthful character." - C&L
or, The Mystery of Russabaga Camp
"Summer was at hand, and at a meeting of the boys of the Y.M.C.A. of Cliffwood, it was decided that a regular summer camp should ne instituted. This was located at a beautiful spot on Bass Island, and there the lads boating, swimming, fishing and tramping to their heart's [sic] content. There were a great many surprises, but in the end the boys managed to clear up a mystery of long standing. Incidently, the volumes gives a clear insight into the workings of the now justly popular summer camps of the Y.M.C.A., throughout the United States." - C&L
or, Lively Doing On and Off the Gridiron
"This volume will add greatly to the deserved success of this well-written series. The Y.M.C.A. boys are plucky lads--clean-minded and true as steel. They have many ups and downs, but in the end they 'win out' in the best meaning of the term." - C&L